Synuity News

Learn Why Your Business Needs a Streamlined Time and Attendance Solution

Revolutionize Work Hours: Time and Attendance Mastery

Highlights Gone are the days when companies tracked work hours manually or using traditional time clocks. Now, technology enables more accurate time-tracking. With online time and attendance tools that fully integrate with your payroll software, you can make the entire process more efficient, reduce errors, and keep your business compliant.

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Discover How Outsourced HR Solutions Can Fit Your Business Needs and Boost Efficiency

Outsourced HR to Fit Your Business Needs

Highlights Admin work takes time and requires great attention to detail, making it hard for companies to prioritize more strategic, revenue-generating initiatives. Outsourced HR solutions can unburden businesses from time-consuming tasks, enabling them to reach their full potential. By outsourcing some of your HR functions, you can gain access to

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Click Here to Learn HR Best Practices for SMBs

Top 4 HR Best Practices for SMBs

Highlights It takes a village to run a business — and your HR team has a leading role, from ensuring all your employees are paid on time to keeping them motivated and engaged. But are your HR best practices up to date for this new year’s workplace challenges? Effective HR

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New W-4 Form For 2020

Employees starting their new job in the 2020 work year may notice that the new form looks different than the old one… This new form will be using a different method for entering information. It will ultimately “require that the taxpayer enter dollar amounts, rather than simply entering the number of

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Minimum Wage Increases

States have decided to take action, being that the federal minimum wage hasn’t increased in over a decade. The following 26 states will now receive the following rates: Alaska $10.19 The rate does not differ for employees who receive tips Arizona $12.00 $9.00 for employees who receive tips Arkansas $10.00

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“Regular Rate” of Pay to Change in January 2020

It’s been 50 years since the US Department of Labor has updated the context of “regular rate of pay,” but that will finally change beginning January 15th, 2020. As an employer, you now have the ability to boost perks of your choosing. This allows owners to offer certain bonuses without having

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Updated I-9 for 2020

What is the I-9 Form? The United States Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS) has updated the Form I-9, which handles Employment Eligibility Verification. On January 31, 2020, the USCIS released the revised document. The form ensures one’s identity and authorization, permitting them to work in the United States of America. “All

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Managing the Coronavirus in the Workplace

This first step to protecting yourself is to be informed of the background and nature of the widespread virus. What is the Coronavirus? Coronaviruses are a family of viruses that typically cause disease in animal species, although the latest outbreak has made its way to the human population. The newest

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(CDC) Interim Guidance for Businesses and Employers

In order to keep our clients updated with the latest news about COVID-19, we would like to pass along the following post published by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). This interim guidance explains what is currently known about COVID-19 – the CDC “will update this interim guidance

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Colorado Overtime & Minimum Pay Standards (COMPS) #36

Effective March 16, 2020. The new Standard Order will change the state’s rules regarding overtime, minimum wage, and working conditions expectations. This new order will include expanding coverage to all employers accepting public entities. This entails that employers in Colorado are now required to provide paid rest breaks, unpaid rest

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